Friday, August 28, 2009

Taa Daa- Kenda Renae Smith

Hello- we made it home. I got pics. This will be short, I am swelling in the legs and ankles really bad from the boat load of ankles resemble my knees now and the knees- well, hips I guess. Everyone wants to know what Daddy thinks....I think the picture says it all. He loves her to death. He even has changed TWO diapers, and he was up with her this morning at 5, and held her til he had to leave at 6. The picture with the polk a dot blanket is from going home day. She was 7 pounds 15 oz and 21 inches long!
I will spare the long drawn out version of my week for you- long long story made short: I went for doc appt Friday and I never made it home until last night! Her fluid in the sac was almost half what it should be, pumping IV's into me did not make it better, so they induced slowly on Saturday all day, nothing, then induced really hard on Sunday- started to think we would have baby....but suddenly I since she was low on fluid and I was swelling in cervix- at 4 am on Sunday night doc said I have to have C Section on Monday at 6:30 am, which was only in a few hours. C Section went fine....Kenda was stuck in the canal.....that is what stopped my she had to be tugged and pushed out. Just my luck! She is a trooper- she is fine. All is well. She has a mommy & me visit from some nurse today- so stupid the day after we get home.
I will post more pics later...she is now awake again. Her first night home was not a magical scene at all like I imagined. She was up every hour all night....and me too. So, gotta run , stuff to do and feet to put up.
Thanks for all the well wishes. Love to all...Rhonda